N55 Oil Starvation and Rod Bearing Replacement Services

Even BMWs non-M engines seem to be suffering to be suffering from rod bearing problems but for a different reason this time.

The N55 engine found in the 335i F30 generation, and in the M135i and M235i have a lack of baffling in the oil pan and if pushed hard or used on track these cars can suffer from engine failure.

If you plan to take your N55 onto track or push it hard it’s highly recommended that a sump baffle is fitted. MMR have designed a fantastic fix to this problem, the MMX Sump Baffle. This is to minimise that oil surging effect that hard driving can have and maintain a steady oil pressure.

We are pleased to not only offer rod bearing replacement here at Element Performance but to also offer this sump baffle fix. Unlike other designs the MMX Sump Baffle can be bolted straight in, taking away that risk of rust problems from welding and metal swarf shavings.

We offer ACL bearings for the N55 rod bearing replacement service. Prices from £900. This includes, OEM oil filter, sump gasket, all new OEM replaceable bolts and labour included. The MMX Sump Baffle can be added on at an additional cost.

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